Saturday, March 5, 2011

Skunks and my snowjob

Wll I am now researching my new tenant, the skunk. I guess I should hav done this a while ago. Any way here is a link from the Internet Center For Wildlife Damage: This is really good info.

BTW I did a snowjob on my side yard and my neighbor Sandy's yard. Seeing as my new tenants like to stick their noses in the soil and dig (and do some real damage), I sprinkled Diatomaceous earth on our damp ground now we both have our private snow, it is really pretty. her is a link for info re DE: . I did notice that neither of us had any nosings, diggings or attempts to next under my mobile home..... aaahhh PROGRESS!

+ my neighbor Deb suggested putting down chix wire to protect plantings from our foothill critters (we have just about every critter you can imagine that have been rendered homeless from the fires here in our mountains and canyons in the San Gabriel Mtns. in SoCal)

1 comment:

  1. As a followup to my snowjob. this DE works great. I bought food grade so nobody would get hurt or sick.

    No more pitter patter of little feet or noses stuck into the dirt
